This is Jamie. Last year, scientists sent his sister, Jane, into space. He’s going out into space to find her. Will you help Jamie? Great!
Are you ready? 3 - 2 - 1 - BLASTOFF!
This is the surface of planet Zork. Ew! A yellow river of slime runs past a shiny rock swamp. Anyone up for a swim?
Planet Gibs has big, bushy mountains. They’re covered in croco bushes. Watch out, or you’ll get caught in the thorns!
Gnarled, tangled branches cover the surface of Cerfluffle. They grow off the baxl trees, which only grow on this planet.
Come explore the green forests on Skadow. It’s filled with giant leaves and grass. The grass is taller than you!
Zargap is a crazy planet! You can slide down weird yellow hills and swing on vines. It’s like an alien playground!
On Planet Noop, there are rows of juice-filled pods. Try not to poke one, or the juice will spray all over you!
Beware of the poisonous trees on Jupos. If you drink the red sap, you will shrink! Think of the smallest thing in the world. You would become even smaller than that!
We are inside a factory on Krakel. This planet is full of factories, constantly buzzing with the sounds of machines at work. Can you think of something you use that was made in a factory?
Tercen is a beautiful planet, with icy purple mountains. Be careful not to slip, or you’ll slide into outer space!
The ground on Habry is freckled with crater-like holes. Watch your step!
Fluffy ridges line the surface of Yabobo. This is Jamie’s favorite planet. He can roll on the fuzzy grass, and he won’t get dirty!
On Graga, there is a sea monster inside a white, furry canyon! It has old, yellow teeth and hundreds of shiny, pink tongues! Stay away, or it will try to eat you!
Sludgy prunes grow inside orange caves on Slabie. Even though they look disgusting, they taste delicious! Can you think of something that looks gross but tastes great?
Pauloo is the hottest planet in this solar system. It’s so hot, the whole planet is bright red from the heat! What is something “red hot”?
There is a maze of blue columns on Crankalasuka. Be careful, Jamie! Don’t get lost!
Floofla is the prettiest planet in this solar system. A huge, yellow tree grows in the middle of a glittering pink lake. Which color do you like more, the sunny yellow or the sparkly pink? Look! There’s Jane! Jamie is so excited to see his sister again! Now that we’ve found her, we can head back to Earth!
Prepare to land! In 3 - 2 - 1… here we are!
Thanks for helping Jamie find his sister!